help! 😭

Hi, everyone. So I've been on an emotional roller coaster the past 24 hours and I don't know what to think anymore. Yesterday morning I got a vvvvvfl. I was 13dpIUI and 14 dp trigger shot. Also, I had been testing every day since 10 DPO and had nothing but BFNs. Yesterday afternoon I happened to be at the hospital, so I stopped by the lab and asked if I could do my blood test then or if I had to come back the next morning (my beta was scheduled for today--so I was there like 16 hours early). They said today is fine, so I had it done and my results came back that HCG was 9. Anything over 4 at my lab is pregnant. I was exatic. Ive never had a BFP. Ten minutes later I get an email from the nurse basically chewing me out for doing it early. She said the trigger shot can stay in my system for up to two weeks and the HCG could still be from the trigger and I had to come back and retest in two days. I was crushed. I don't understand how it could be the trigger when I had the shot 14 days prior and I was testing negative at 10 DPO. But because of her email I felt like I shouldn't celebrate or tell my husband 😭. Anyway, I took a test this morning and it is still very very faint, but I think it is darker than yesterday. Picture is below. Today's test is on the bottom. I would love some opinions. Could the HCG still be from the trigger or am I pregnant? I know I will know for sure tomorrow, but I just feel so gutted right now about the whole thing. Thank you for taking the time to read this. ❤️