First Ultrasound! Tipped Uterus?

Cassie • • Mam a • W ife • T e a c h e r • •Emilia Rose 09/29/17 •Lillian Marie 03/28/20 #girlmom
So I finally got my first ultrasound today! We got to hear the heartbeat which was amazing and we even saw it moving! I thought I was about 8+5 weeks pregnant but here's the thing, the OB couldn't get a clear view of the baby because my uterus is tipped. So she wasn't able to give me an exact date which stinks😐. She said I'm around 8 weeks. But I have to wait 2 more weeks to do a more in depth ultrasound which also means I have to keep waiting to do the blood work testing which is really important to me for family history reasons. Anyone else have a tipped uterus? Did that effect your pregnancy?