I love my boyfriend but I'm not happy

I love my boyfriend, way beyond comprehension. I can't see myself w out him & I know seeing him at school would just break my heart if we broke up. I love him so dearly but he treats me like shit. I told him about it today & I said how if he doesn't get shit together I have to leave him. He disregards my feelings & disrespects me constantly. He acts like he's always the boss & im always wrong. I let things slide at first because I have made bad mistakes & I know he would use it against me. Countless times I have told him how I feel & he tells me I'm being too sensitive or I'm acting like a "pussy". I can't keep putting myself through this. He's been acting nice tonight but I'm worried a month from now it'll be no different. I love him & I know he loves me but this is so difficult & I always find myself hurting. Tips?