baby girls birth story

We went in to see the OB on Wednesday feb 22nd for our routine weekly check . Everything was very normal until she did her physical examination and concluded that Bub had barely grown in the last 3 weeks . This gave her concern for the integrity of my placenta and she concluded it was best to induce - the next day !! So weird going in for a routine check to being told you'll be having a baby tomorrow 😂
8am feb 23rd they inserted the Gel to bring on labor and cramps started almost immediately . I was so terrified because I had researched how inductions are generally more painful. I labored for 6 hours before hopping In the bath which was beautiful relief - for a little while ! The pains intensified and my waters broke. I was really getting very panicky at each contraction and we decided an epidural was best - sweet sweet relief !!! Oh it was so nice ! I rested for a good few hours until I started to feel pressure to push . The OB was called back as she had thought I'd be hours away . She missed her coming out by about 10 seconds and the midwife caught her! It was so terrifying as I was pushing because your body is saying push and your mind is screaming no!! She was placed on my chest and I still can't believe what my body did . My husband was in awe ❤ I had second degree tearing but have honestly found it not very painful post delivery - maybe I'm too distracted 😍
Bethany Louise born 7.53pm feb 23 