he's finally here! all it took was complaining about it

My son was born last night, Friday March 3, at 9:30 pm. He weighed 6lb 2oz and is 19 1/2 inches long.
My birth story:
My husband had work in the morning and my oldest son didn't have school so my two boys and I did all of our running in the morning. Went to target, got them both haircuts, went grocery shopping all before noon. We then hung out at home until my husband got home. 
At 6 my husband had a basketball championship game he was playing in. I decided instead of staying home with the boys we would go and watch him play. I ended up putting the boys in the childcare (the basketball  game was at the YMCA). 
During the game I just feel like I have to pee continuously, after half time and me yelling getting really worked up from watching this game I go to the bathroom again and when I wipe i continue to leak. I wipe and it's like a weird color on the toilet paper.
I then start to notice contractions. They don't hurt too bad, but they do keep happening. I go get the boys out of childcare and we go home (after the game) and call l&d they tell me to go in and get baby on the monitor. 
We get to the hospital after 8:00pm. I get all checked in, she checks to see if I was leaking my waters or if I was crazy and then she checked me. I was 5cm. I then get moved into a bigger room and by this time my contractions are coming in strong. 
They call my doctor and tell him to come and he tells them to break the rest of my water. The nurses working on me try and get everything but have a really hard time doing so where another nurse had to come in and help. 
At the time we're still waiting on my doctor. They also can't find baby's heartbeat on the monitors so they are getting nervous. I get put on oxygen to help with my breathing. I'm laying on my side at the point, yelling in pain telling them I need to push I need to push and they tell me not to push because I will start to swell. They then tell my husband to grab my leg and hold it up. He does it and then the nurse goes down to check me and says 'there's the head!' She then yells into her phone thingy to get a doctor in here and nurses come running. Once his head came out, he just slid out of me. Still no doctor. Such a crazy experience, even having been through it before. Nothing is ever the same.