i'll be 35 weeks at this time

Kiara⭐️⭐️⭐️ • 26. 6.9.2017 🌸 due for #2 08.23.2020
Im 25 weeks now. My mother in law is adamant that my boyfriend go with their family on a trip to PA for her brother's wedding the week i'll be 35 weeks. I feel like my boyfriend shouldn't go because it's too close to my due date & i can literally go into labor home in Florida while he's in Pennsylvania. He seems to be on the fence about it but i know that he wants to go because that's home for him. Does anyone have any advice on this situation? This is both our first baby. I know that he will regret it if he misses the birth of our baby. It's important to me that he be there because my own father missed my birth & didnt come see me until i was home from the hospital. I dont want history to repeat itself with my baby.