Healthy Babies

I woke up this morning with God on my mind. I also woke up with my baby on my mind who is growing so fast by the way (9w5d) , so I've decided to come here & write a small prayer request for all the first time moms, second or third time moms , moms who experienced a miscarriage  (such as myself) , & just mothers all over who are stressed at the thought of not being able to hold there baby.
Dear Lord, I come too you as humbly as I know how I come to you with all my fears , worries , & weaknesses. Lord I ask that you remove these burdens as I continue walking behind you. I ask that you give us strength throughout these next few months as we pray for a healthy full term baby. Lord I ask that all panic & negativity be removed & joy peace & happiness is restored. Lord I come to you seeking light amongst our wombs as we receive this blessing . In your name I pray ❤️