Emergency C-Section

Tiffany • Abby came early emergency c-section. 3/3/17💕 Mommy & daddy are so in love! RIP to my fiancé. 5/21/17 gone way too soon
My baby wasn't due til march 15. She was measuring behind but I'm not a big girl either. So went to dr this past Tuesday and still no dilation at 38w but they said is normal for first baby. Well went on about my days then Friday morning I woke up very off-pain, contractions and nausea. Had my bf go to work and I was going to sleep it off; well the pain wasn't still right so called midwife she told me go to L&D so my bf came home got me we arrived at hospital about 9:15am they hooked me up and first contraction my girls heart dropped severely. They were worried and she didn't handle even the smallest contractions so dr.s came in and said were taking you back right now to get her out there's no other way. Holy emotions and scared for me and my baby-not how I wanted this. Everyone in the room was great the spinal didn't hurt a bit and they talked me through everything. So at 10:29am my baby girl was born healthy as can be though at 4lbs 13oz 18" long. She had pooped and it somehow was floating and my placenta was not giving her what she needed. Not how I wanted to welcome my baby girl into this world but ladies if you have a gut feeling something isn't quite right please go get checked becomes if I didn't my baby might not have made it and could've been worse off or I would've ended up very sick with a lost child.