First period after baby & milk drop

I just got my period, 7 months & 8 days post-partum.

Also, I've been noticing a milk drop. In the last few weeks it has been really hard to pump. I'd stay for 1/2hours pumping manually and I would just get like 100ml if lucky.

I breastfed exclusively until 6 months and my baby has now 1 type of food at night, in the rest of the day she drinks my milk.

And I've been throwing away lot of bottles with my milk, as they get a bad taste really fast.. Before I used to keep my milk in the fridge for 1 week and would be just fine. Now, my milk just can stay for 1 day in the fridge and later than that it will have a bad taste. ..

Today we spent all day away from home and I took some prepared food for my baby. I was expecting to get my boobs full with milk, but that didn't happen.

Do you know what all of this means?

Thank you.