Marvic's birth story


My chunky boy was born on 02/07 at 2:25 am weighin 8 pds 4 oz 20 inc. His birth was so fast he was born in about an hour after arriving at the hospital.

The day my labor began I needed to go food shopping so i decided to go to bj's. While there i kept getting contractions that i passed off as being braxton hicks. Later on in the day i went to the local supermarket to finish my shopping and i continued with contractions. When I got home from shopping i started dinner but these contractions were getting more regular and about 5 minutes apart but still tolerable. When dinner was ready i tell my husband contractions are more consistent and to be ready. He tells me ok but to relax and to take a hot bath which i did. It was then about 11 pm and it was still the same so my husband tells me hes going to sleep and to wake him in case it's the real deal since he has to work at 6 am. At about 12 am i finally feel a stronger contraction which was still tolerable but more uncomfortable. At this point i also realized i hadnt felt the baby either, so i wake my husband up and tell he we need to go. By the time im getting in the car contractions are about 2 minutes apart and painful. The hospital was about 30 minutes away and i still needed to drop-off my daughter at my sisters. When we finally made it to the hospital i couldnt bare the pain anymore so a wheel chair was brought to me. I was immediately taken into a room and checked this was about 1 am and i was already at 6cm. I begged and begged the nurse for the epidural but she had to go through her process of getting me admitted. I so wanted the epidural since i could no longer take the pain but i had the feeling id go without. At about 2 am the anesthesialogist came in to attempt placing the epi.. my husband is asked to leave while they attempt to place the epi. As i am hunched over and shes spent what felt like eternity trying to find the right spot i feel this strong pop and all this water gushes everywhere within a minute or so i felt this intense urge to push. I tell the nurse that i need to push she tells me i need to lay down so she can check me i refuse to move because of all the pain but i get into position. She checks me and says my bag is bulging and im fully dialeted. I get the urge to push and without waiting i start pushing, the doc wasnt in the room but within seconds the room is filled. My husband hears my screams across the floor and comes running in and catches the moment the babies head is coming out. Any later and he would of missed it and at 225 my handsome chunky boy was born. Baby had a slight case of jaundice and spent 2 extra days at the hospital under photosynthesis.