I started having contractions on Saturday 3/4/17 that were irregular and not consistent

I started having contractions on Saturday 3/4/17 that were irregular and not consistent. I knew things were slowly starting so I made arrangements for my son and got to work on my birthing ball. Late that night is when things really picked up, I had strong contractions at about midnight. I knew this was it because I wasn't able to sleep through them and they were coming around every 9 minutes. At about 4am I got out of bed and went to take a bubble bath to center myself. It was there that my contractions went to 6-7 minutes apart I knew we would be heading to the hospital shortly. I stood up and decided to shower and make myself presentable. At this point it was around 5:30 and my contractions were 5 minutes apart so I went and woke up my partner and told him I was planning on calling the midwife. My midwife told me I was good to head on in to the birthing center. I was previously 3cm dilated and 50% effaced before labor started. When she checked me at the hospital at 6:30am I was 5cm dilated and still 50%. From there my body and I got to work I bounced on the birthing ball and made my way to 7cm. At this point she asked if I wanted her to break my water and I said go for it. That's when things really got started, I labored on my side and in the shower with my essential oils. The contractions got extremely painful and intense and since this was my first labor experience with no pain medication whatsoever it was certainly a unique experience to say the least. At around 12:45 I got the urge to push and at 1:11pm on 3/5/2017 William True Armstrong entered the world. When he was born the cord was around his neck and he didn't cry or take a breath right away. He had his arm over his chest while I was pushing and that made it so the fluid wasn't squeezed out properly. After what felt like a lifetime he finally started crying but after an hour his color still wasn't where it should be. They put him over on the warmer and assisted him with a little oxygen and checked him out. They decided it was best that he go down to the nursery and get on some better oxygen with pressure so they could open up his lungs and get the fluid out. This isn't how I saw or wanted our first precious moments as a family to go. Our first night without our son was a bit emotional but I know it's for the best. I'm glad they are being proactive and making sure my son is healthy. We are still waiting to find out the results of the blood culture to make sure there's no infection and to reduce his oxygen level and see how he handles breathing on his own. If all goes well he could be in our arms by the end of the day. I have to remind myself to stay positive and know this is what's best for him. I will make sure to keep everyone updated on his progress. But for now please admire this beautiful specimen we created, I'm so proud of him.