Cannabis while pregnant


*FOR MEDICINAL USE NOT RECREATIONAL* yes i can go 9 months without smoking, im asking for thoughts on use for nausea. I know im not eating enough for both of us and zofran doesnt help.

Hey mom's and mom's to be! Any thoughts on the use of cannabis during pregnancy? I haven't since I got my hcg levels, but with this morning sickness and all the food aversions, I'm curious is cannabis would be okay to either smoke or ingest in small quantities. I'm worried about not eating enough to sustain the baby, but I wouldn't want to cause any problem.

I'm 6 weeks along btw. Please no judgement about the weed, I'm in a state where it's completely legal and accepted as a form of medication and while I know not everyone views cannabis as less harmful than cigarettes or alcohol, please just try to abstain from throwing judgement or harsh words this way. Just simply curious if any one else has done it or knows much about it.

Thank you! (: