little sister Drama

So I announced I was pregnant back in November and ever since then my little sister has been so jealous. So I found out this weekend she is 8 weeks pregnant and I should be happy but it's so hard Bc she is only 20, suffers from depression, has no job, no insurance, no drivers license, no house, no education (which isn't a huge issue), has been in and out of the hospital for trying to kill herself, recently OD on pain maids, has a parole officer Bc of drug usage, and 2 weeksends ago went out drinking. She told my parents she got pregnant Bc of the attention I was getting from being pregnant. I love her to death but I just don't know how she is going to raise the baby and I would hate for that child to be neglected. My parents also had to take on my sisters dog Bc she would forget to fed him. 
I just need some advice. Thanks so much!!!!