UTI and bleeding

Yesterday I went to the ER (twice 🙄) because I was having excruciating pain in my lower abdomen and I was urinating blood. It turns out, it was a UTI that they think progressed to a kidney infection. I'm on- no joke- 4 types of antibiotics right now to fight the infection and 2 pain meds. Today I'm feeling a lot better but I think mostly because I'm numb, not because I'm healing.
To be honest, I'm terrified of going to the bathroom right now, I'm afraid of peeing blood. Usually blood doesn't bother me but it FREAKED me OUT seeing all that blood coming from a place is should never come out of. 
The doctor didn't do a great job of explaining when my symptoms should subside so I'm wondering what you all think. At what point should I go back to the doctor? I've been out of the hospital for over 24 hours now and have had antibiotics in me for 30+ hours and I'm still urinating blood. I'm still in pain though it's manageable but again I think that's because I'm on pain meds. 
PS: as far as I know I am not pregnant, though I am in the TWW.