Frustrated and Concerned Cervix

I apologize for the length.

Okay! I need help from ladies who are comfortable checking your cervix. About 2 wks ago I got a faint positive. Test was ruined in excitement. MIL went into hospital that day so was put on back burner. Few days ago I took another test and it was such a faint line I only saw it later looking at a picture. So it may not of even been there. I'm on CD 70. Many other tests previously that looked neg. No ob because mine went MIA. Still trying to find one.

Okay to the point. I've been checking my cervix regularly for about a year and a half. And January/February cervix stayed high, soft, and closed after ovulation. It's been like that consistently and still is. But for the last weekish now in the middle of my cervix there is a "plumb like bead" (only way I can describe it is like a plumb, soft but firm-its weird). So what do I do? Could it be the start of a mucus plug? I'd only be around 9wks. So if someone could share insight with me about their cervix doing this or if you're pregnant (if you've done cervix checks previously and know what your doing. Please be careful and remember to wash hands very well). Also my family has a history of hpts not picking up pregnancy until 2nd tri. Idk why. I'm so mad because my ob quit with no warning. And it's hard to find a good one where I live that knows what they are talking about when it comes to Endo and TTC.

Please no rude comments. I'm just confused and frustrated on what to do.