help please

I'm stressing out. 
My bf and I almost had sex for the first time recently and his penis entered me slightly. I think he may have had precum. But he said the last time he ejaculated before then was the night before. This was like a day before or the first day of my fertile days. 
I haven't had any symptoms of pregnancy that I know of. I mean I have sore breasts but I also assume that is from my period I'm expecting in 2 days. 
I did have a small amount of white, creamy, thick discharge. Like small as a dime amount. In my undies a few days ago and then again today. Has anyone had this. Please help. 
Oh yeah a couple of days ago I was pooing. I know tmi, and blood was in my toilet paper when I wiped. And some in the water. It seemed to be coming from my butt hole. But then again. I could of been wrong. That was 9 days after ovulation. I'm pretty sure it was from my BUTT. Idk. 
Help please.