
Since finding out I was pregnant (actually slightly before), I've had bad insomnia.  Normally I am a good sleeper, fall asleep fast and stay asleep all night.  Since being pregnant I've struggled to fall asleep and then tend to wake up at 2/3 at and can't really go back to sleep so fitfully snooze until 6 and then get up. I've been on 600mg of prometrium since week 4 which we have started weaning me off of now.  
I'm 14 weeks tomorrow and the last three days I've managed to sleep almost normal.  Fall asleep and don't wake up until 5/6am.  I am greatful for the increased sleep; however, I've had five miscarriages in a row and this sleeping problem has been my most constant pregnancy symptom.  I'll see the doctor on Thursday for my next appt but can't help but worrying slightly.  
Anyone else had insomnia go away in their second trimester? Or perhaps it was more a side effect of the massive amount of progesterone I was on and now that I'm being weaned off I'm sleeping better?  We just finally told our family about the pregnancy this weekend and I think I am just being extra paranoid.