Worst period ever!!! 2nd cycle after my miscarriage

Geraldine • Mum to be! Rainbow baby 🌈
I miscarried in January. I got my first period about 3 and a half weeks after I stopped bleeding. It was very regular and on time (I flow heavy the first days). 
This is my second which was also on time but it is so painful!!!! Heavier than it usually is and I am cramping so much. I am also clotting so much. With black clots. I showered about 2 hours ago and already had to change a pad because it was full at night. I've never had to change overnight. 
Has anyone else experienced this? 
I only used to cramp slightly on the first day but Ive never experienced so much cramping and pain before! 
Am I alone? If this has happened to you, please share.