How often did you get an U/S?

1st appt with my OB confirmed via u/s that I was 8w. Two weeks later at 10 Weeks, I was given another U/S at 10 Weeks to confirm gestational age. Baby boy's gender was verified by NIPT blood work. Both scans were transvaginal. 
I had my last Sono at 19w 4d on my abdomen (I was barely showing). The "20 week anomaly scan" tells the Dr. full measurements of the fetus, organ development, amniotic fluid and view of the placenta. Turns out mine was anterior and he was in a breech position. 
I've since seen my OB twice for regular f/ups and asked when my next u/s will be. He said not till probably 36-38 Weeks - if at all! I find that shocking since I'm already considered "high risk" due to my age (just turned 35🙄) but also his breech position and anterior placenta! I keep being told that "unless it's medically necessary" my insurance won't cover it. Should I just pay for the scan out of pocket for peace of mind? I'm 26w 5d... My uterus is measuring at 28 weeks. My next appt is in 2 Weeks with another OB in their practice. Maybe her opinion will be different. 
Thoughts? Advice? 

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