Okay Momma's, I need some advice. So here's the deal, I'm a FTM I am currently pregnant with my daughter Ryan and as of this Sunday (March 11th 2017) I'll be 38 weeks exactly. I just went to the doctor yesterday and she checked my cervix and I'm not dialated at all just thin and soft. As of my 37w appointment she measured at 6 1/2 lbs and 5 ounces. I passed my mucous plug about 3 weeks ago but I have no sign of bloody show... I'm absolutely exhausted and have serious heartburn from her deciding to put her feet up underneath mommy's rib cage, I have horrific SPD to the point where it feels like my hips are being personally dislocated every time I move, breathe the wrong way, laugh, cough, sneeze etc... a fellow mommy suggested that I take castor oil if I'm truly that miserable however I'm truly debating on whether or not I can wait 2 more weeks and see if she stops being stubborn but i just truly don't know what to do. Any advice is welcome; please help me. I love my daughter more than anything in the world but this mommy is done.... 😒💕