clomid for "anovulation"

Was diagnosed with "anovulation" in December 2016 after 6 months of no ovulation, and no pregnancy...I've been on the pill for 10 years before I started trying, I'm 24 2.5 years married and we have now been trying for 9 months...after 1.5 months of clomid and no results and no level changes we daughter out a naturopathic doc who found I have extremely high testosterone levels and extremely low progesterone levels (day 3 and day 21-0.3-1.6) I've been on naturopathic supplements to help decrease my testosterone and increase progesterone as well as my clomid and some
Other supplements...this month we found out I ovulated! Jumped from a 1.6 on day 21 of last cycle to a 10.4 on day 21 of my current cycle! It's now day 31 of my cycle, AF due march17 (day 38) and I've had extreme hunger, veiny boobs, sore itchy boobs, gas, bloating and cramps....praying this month is the month! If so, baby will be due the same week as my hubbys bday!!!