anyone else doing their trigger shot tonight?

Tonight is the night! A little background on me: I stopped taking birth control in July, immediately got one period, got another 3 weeks later, and then... nothing. I went to see my gyno in early December, was diagnosed with PCOS after bloodwork results came back and was referred to Shady Grove Fertility. Additional tests confirmed that I do in fact have PCOS (almost 30 follicles in my right ovary and 20 in the left). DH had a sperm analysis done and he has sUpEr SpErM! Like, all of his results were exceptional. So yes, the problem is 100% me. 😂 I started on 50mg Clomid 2 weeks ago. After I showed no response, my dosage was upped to 100mg which made 3 follicles start to grow. 2 Gonal-F injections pushed two of the follicles to 19mm, confirmed yesterday! 🙌🙌 I did another Gonal-F injection last night and will do my trigger shot tonight.
Will anyone be in the TWW at the same time as me? It scares me that after all this time, tests, pain, stress, bloodwork, ultrasounds... it comes down to this, and I only have a 20% chance of success. 😬 Ahh!! My RE told me the TWW is the most stressful part. I didn't believe him until now!
Baby dust ladies ✨✨