I Hate My Job 😭

Taylor • Married❤️24❤️3 boys❤️#4 in 2022
I'm 7months pregnant and i have a high risk pregnancy. I've been spotting on and off all throughout my pregnancy. I've been placed on bed rest and was giving medication. Everything gotten better and i was dent back to work. Well few weeks lated I'm spotting again and I'm cramping tonight. My boyfriend was born at 7 months and i wouldnt be surprised if my baby is born at 7 months too. I work at walmart and my csm manager gives me a rough time for no reason. She forgets my breaks and lunch breaks on purpose. I ask to pee and she ignores me. So i turned my light off and went to the restroom myself. Anx behold I'm spotting. I clocked out for lunch and sat down right away and started cramping. I called off so much I'm afarid i might lose my job. But when I'm there they give me a rough time. Just felt like venting😢