I hate him.

I hate my best friend husband. She's such great person loyal sweet honest smart and strong also drop dead gorgeous. He is lying manipulating cheating selfish mean asshoe. He is handsome I'll give him that . He ugly in every other way possible. He takes and take from her calls her degrading names. He been caught cheating few time. It sucks see her go through this. When she crys I cry. I cry one because of pain ,two because she never gong leave ,3 because she doesn't see her worth. I stopped trying to tell her she deserves better because she cussed me out for saying so. She talks about killing self when he fucks up. I wish she knew what I do that one day she find true love and happiness as I have. I wish she knew that its okay divorce him. I wish saw what I see in herself. Instead all I can do is listen and be patient. It breaks my heart and makes me sad. I love her and my king says one day she meet a man. All want is her be happy . It sucks feel this way. I wish I didn't want them get divorce because makes feel like a bad best friend.