More milkbath maternity photos 🌹

Michelle • Married to love of my life & mother of 2 precious baby girls 💕🙏🏼
If any of you ladies are on the fence about doing a milk bath photo shoot , please just do it ! Even if you just have your hubby take them ! 
Here's some tips to do it : (for those of you who are curious) 
1. Don't use normal milk! Go buy a box of dry milk powder (in the baking section of your grocery store) as well as corn starch . Corn starch will make the water more opaquely white .
2. Try not to use fake flowers ! They sink easier . I just went to my local Fry's grocery store and bought some bundles of different types of flowers . All the supplies I got ended up being $30 total. 
3. First you want to fill tub at least half way with hot water , then mix corn starch and dry milk with warm/hot water in bucket and slowly poor into bath to avoid bubbles / foam. I used ALL the dry milk powder and corn starch lol . Do this before you get into bath. Once the water is the right "milky-ness ", you get in. Now you have your hubby / photographer start placing flowers around you . 
Now it's time to take photos ! 
Believe it or not , most of these photos were taken with a nice camera but using the flash ! The flash reflects off all the white of the bath tub so it makes it extra bright and looks amazing ! Or if you have natural light coming into your bathroom, that will be nice as well! 
Hope this helps ! :)