"What are you so tired for you do nothing all day"

Is what I get woken up to this morning for sleeping in until 11a.m. I am a stay at home mom while my SO works. We have a 4month old baby together and these little side comments are pissing me off and just make me cry. Last night when he got home from work around 10:30 our baby was still awake but usually is sleeping at that time so he started to play with her and then she started crying and I told him she is tired. He tried to rock her to sleep but she kept fussing. So he handed me her and she fell asleep in my arms within 5mins.... I think that made him mad so he started to make more comments like "Its time for you to get a job and put application in so I can have my baby time with her" lol. I said okay. Whatever we went to bed, and I wake up with our baby every morning and take care of her always with no problem because he works. I get it. But this morning he woke up with the baby because I guess I was tired and didn't hear her. When I woke up he started his side comments again saying "idk why your so tired you don't do shit all day" "wish I could do nothing all day" so I said oh I'm sorry you had to make a bottle and change a diaper because he looked irritated. I started crying while I was feeding the baby and he asked me why I'm crying I'm such a baby. Then yesterday I cleaned my ass off in the house and went all out but forgot he asked me to wipe the walls down. So this morning he asked me if I did and I said no I forgot. So he cleaned the walls then went to work. Now today I feel like I am worthless and don't do shit when in reality I do a lot. I don't know the point of this post. I just feel like shit.