brown spotting at 6weeks

Kelsey • Wife of Nate since June 29, 2012. After two miscarriages in 2012, our son, Alex was born January 24, 2016
4 days ago I had some brown spotting, the next couple days I had a tiny bit more. Yesterday morning I had my first prenatal visit and the ultrasound showed everything was good. Baby's heart rate was 132 and from the ultrasound the doctor said I was 6weeks 4 days. Last night I had a tiny bit more spotting and today I've had more. It's still brown and I haven't really had any cramping. I've had 2 miscarriages in the past so I'm super paranoid and my anxiety level is pretty high now. It's not helping that it's the weekend so I can't just call my doctors office. Anyone have any experiences with this?