Probably TMI! Help, I bleed whenever he fingers me?


I know, I know, a lot of women on here are going to tell me I'm too young. In my opinion, that's up to my mother and I, and she told me to take things at my pace as long as she knows what's going on and can make sure everything is safe.

My boyfriend is very sweet and loving. He's my first everything, although we still haven't gone all the way yet. He's only done hand stuff on me (nervous that his teeth will hurt me). A few months ago, I asked him to be rough, and in doing so, he broke my hymen. It hurt a lot, and he had blood on his hand, but I wasn't mad or anything. He, on the other hand, flipped out. There's a history of domestic abuse in the men of his family, so every time he accidentally hurts my feelings or hurts me physically, he recoils.

He refused to touch my "KitKat" for three months. After a talk a few months ago, he started doing it again, and every time, I bleed. It's infrequent, maybe every few weeks, but its every single time he fingers me and its making him worry. I'm mostly just curious.

By the way, we're both 15. He hasn't even asked for anything he knows I don't want to do, so don't try to tell me he's only with me for that sort of thing

If anyone has any idea what's going on, please help!! Thanks!