Low lying baby

So I'm 20 weeks 4 days (3rd pregnancy) and this time I'm carrying baby super low! I had an US yesterday and they baby is breech and sitting basically right on top of my cervix. He's completely healthy and doing great but today I'm feeling so much pressure he feels like he's gonna fall out and take my insides with him lol It hurts REALLY bad to bend over like I'm squishing him or bending him in half. I never had this with my other two boys and I'm really starting to worry if this is going to just keep getting worse or if he'll move up some. Anyone else dealing with this? Did it get any better? Did you deliver early because of a low lying baby? DID YOUR INSIDES FREAKING FALL OUT!? HAHA Ok that last one wasn't a serious question but really! Give me some hope ladies because this really hurts!