I don't know if I need to call my doctor!

I have been having very, very light bleeding (literally it's more pink than anything, and only SOMETIMES when I go to the restroom) and my discharge has increased a lot over the last couple days. It started on Monday or Tuesday, I think, and those days I didn't have sex, nor did I have a vaginal exam. I had an ultrasound Monday, and everything was fine, baby is still moving and kicking like normal, if not more so than normal.
Should I call my doctor? Are these signs labor is close?
I'm only 34 weeks (will be 35 Tuesday). I'm a first time mom, first pregnancy, etc. I don't know what this means & if I need to be worried.
I have an appointment with my doctor for my 35 week visit on Wednesday. Should I hold off until then?
Also, I don't know if I've lost my mucus plug. I think I did, in small bits, but I'm not sure. Mommas that have been through this, please help...