UPDATE: Confused as fuck

I recently got into a relationship two days ago. My friend set us up so that's how we got interested in each other. Okay so before we personally met we talked almost all the time, on his lunch break he'd call me, text me, or try to find a way to contact me. He's a firefighter and a mechanic so he could just be busy? Moving along, the day we met it was alright except the friend who set us up came along decided she wanted to bring along her friend and then it was a mess since they were immature. It was embarrassing. But as we got our alone time he was a sweet dude but he was on his phone sometimes, we did play fight under the table for a few seconds, he stared deep into my soul for a long time licking his lips occasionally saying I have beautiful eyes, when my hands were cold he scooped them up and warmed them. After that we went into his truck and asked him where he saw us, long story short he wanted to be together and make sure I was happy. Then he leaned in and gave me kisses. They sucked because it was my first time kissing someone. Could it be because I'm unexperienced? It's fun to laugh at yourself but come on. I can learn. It has to be something more but I just cannot grasp what has happened to us in just a matter of 48 hours. I want to call him but he texted me whilst I did and he said he couldn't talk so he'd call back shortly. That shortly has been hours. I don't want to seem desperate. However I like communication and solving problems instead of wondering what the fuck I did wrong.
MKAY SO.. my friend who set us up told me he texted her three times calling her babe and wanting her to call. Surely that isn't normal and he's more than old enough to realize that's not right. I appreciate all your comments and I know I need to calm the fuck down. Sadly my previous ex I dated was always on and off, so my boyfriend of two days saying this to my friend is making me lose all trust in him which is making my love life harder to find someone to trust and communicate with. If you won't be honest and tell me how you feel how am I supposed to know how to improve it?