My birth story was LONG

Amy • 32 baby #1 born 3/10/17 thanks glow!
My birth story was LONG. 
My contractions started Wednesday 3/8 at 11pm. I was up the whole time because I had a doctor visit scheduled for 11 am.
By the time he saw me my contractions were 8 min apart but, NO dilation 😭 I was devastated. I was sent home still contracting and told to call when I had 15 in 1 hour.
Well, that didn't happen until 10 pm. When we got to the hospital and my doctor examined me, I was still only 3cm dilated, after contracting for 23 hours. He recommended an epidural to help my body relax and stop fighting labor. I accepted and everything was going smoothly until about. 5 am.
3 doctors and a nurse came in and began rolling me from side to side. Apparently I was having super contractions that I couldn't feel (thanks epidural) without big breaks of relief in between. Baby's heart rate was very low so they gave me oxygen to help him recover. 
This happened 3x before I was given a shot to calm my contractions at 8 cm, 6 am. By 9 am I was 10 cm and told to start pushing!
The nurses kept telling me I was doing a great job and that they could see his head but 4 hours later little progress had been made. 
I was faced with the decision of c-section or forceps. I was advised against the c-section because he was so low there was a high risk of cervical tearing. Forceps had him out in 12 seconds. Left me with a 3rd degree tear but totally worth meeting my boy.