surprise baby shower

My sister and aunts decided to surprise me with a baby shower this weekend! I was just under the impression I was meeting them for brunch, walked into my sisters house, and my entire family (well the women of the family, lol), all my nieces, cousins, friends and so on, were there.
I have always been one of those people that isn't good at accepting gifts or "hand-me-outs" as some on this app have called them, but it was honestly amazing to see everyone come together to celebrate my daughter (due next month!) and to catch up with everyone, and to just spend the afternoon together.
This is just some of the stuff that I received and haven't found a place to put yet! (So, roughly 1/3 or so, if I had to guess lol!)
(Except the car seat, (base is in my car!) I've had that since about 13 weeks along)
Also, before anybody freaks about the curtain being so close to the changing table and crib, my SO painted the wall her crib would be against this weekend, so we had to move stuff around so the paint could dry, the curtain will be on the opposite side of the room from the crib and changing table!
Also, only picture I had time to snap before everybody wanted me to open gifts and/or eat cake. My nieces picked the flowers out (they're 3 & 9 and both adore tulips. So sweet 😍)