Painful Period

On the first day I start my period, it goes okay for about half an hour. Like I don't feel anything. Over the course of an hour to 3 hours, it feels like something keeps jabbing their thumb or something into my uterus. I get sick and I do puke. Usually it's like 2-3 times I puke before taking a nap but just recently it's gotten to 6 times. 
When I say getting sick, I mean I throw up and run a fever. It sucks. Anybody know what this could be??? I asked my mom recently to see a gynecologist soon but I haven't gone through my period this month. I usually don't go through it until I skip a month but I really don't want to go through the daily torture. Cramps are also lasting like 3-4 days too instead of a couple
The first time it's ever felt so bad was in the middle of June in 2016. Well in January and February it was also painful.