
Tyler β€’ Mommy of an angel babyπŸ‘ΌπŸΌ baby number two is due March 8, 2017 so blessed and thankful! Thank you Jesus!
Well after nine long months. Waiting and waiting for my precious baby girl. I got induced march 8 th at 5 pm. ( on my due date) when I got there I was only 1 cm dilated.Β 
I got a foley tube inserted, and a pill to dilate my cervix. At 10 pm I was 4 1/2 cm dilated. At midnight they started pitcoin I SLOWLY got to 6 cm dilated . After awhile my daughter heart rate would decrease to low 80s with every contraction I had. Eventually they took me off pitocin to see if I would dilate on my own. At 9 am on march 9th they decided to do a emergency c section to get her out safely! At 9:48 my daughter Eliana Nicole Tanuvasa was born 6lbs8 ounces. 20 inches long! She is the most beautiful little girl I have ever met! I was so scared I'm getting a c section but she is totally worth it! I'm so glad both her and I are healthy ! It was a roller coaster ride. My fiancΓ© had court the morning of the 9th and went to jail so he didn't get to see her be born and still hasn't seen her . Praying he gets out soon. Today I finally got to come home ( march 12) it's crazy doing this by myself right now . I would change a thing other then not having my fiancΓ© !Β