First time First scare

I'm a first time mom of a surprise god was kind enough to grant me.. and tonight at about 8 I hopped in the shower, and as I began my routine I looked down, and there was blood... well! Natural thought and reaction was "Omg go to the er NOW." Hopped out, got dressed, and hauled ass.. now four hours later the baby is confirmed safe.. estimated at about 
❤️9weeks❤️ . I never understood the moment until I heard that little heart beat... tears rushed as I breathed relief and felt comfort knowing god wasn't revoking his gift.. my extra precaution will continue as I count down the days until I can hold my bundle of joy in my arms and hush your crus of fear from the world I will ever so fiercely guard you from.. I am your guardian angel.. I feel alone.. though I also feel patient.. cause I know soon enough I'll be missing these quiet days as ones to follow will envolve potty time interrupted by fingers under the door experiencing separation issues.😊