9 Months, formula at night OK?

My lo is 9 months and she is breastfed and has stage 2 foods. She occasionally still wakes up 1-2 times a night to nurse, but she nurses for an extended amounts of time. Usually an hr. If I take her off too early she usually tries to fight me and get back on the boob. I would like to gradually start weaning her off breastmilk and I'm going to start by giving her formula at night for her night feedings. Anyway, my question is can I use bottled water straight out the bottle for the formula or do I have to do something special to it first? Two, how far in advance can I have a bottle already made? We have been using 2 ounces of water in place of breastmilk/night feedings per pediatrician. But water alone is still not enough.