
Does anyone elses boyfriends get mad when they fart and say it's disgusting and blame you for doing it on purpose? Mine did an hour or so ago and I just told him I wouldn't do it again and he got mad again and said he was going to go take a shower and lock the door so I couldn't go in and he also asked if I was mentally ill and then said I was... It's 9:21 AM and he's already ruined my day and made me feel like crap about myself. I'm sure I'll get chewed out again when he gets out of the shower. From now on Im going to hold my farts in again like I did at the beginning of our relationship, a couple days ago he also said if they start smelling bad hes never going to touch me sexually again... Somedays he says he doesn't care if I fart then right after it he says it's disgusting and I shouldn't do it, he's pretty immature about farts, he does things all the time I tell him I don't like or find annoying but he does them anyway. This is scattered all over the place I'm sorry lol but does anyone elses boyfriends/husband's get absolylutely disgusted when you fart more than like once a week, or month😂😓