Painful contractions

Nicole • 26 years old | Ashton 3.15.17 💙 | Kiara 3.7.18 💖
I went to L&D last night after having contractions every 5-6 min for an hour and a half. They checked me and I was still only 1cm dilated and told me they would wait 2 hours to see if there was any progress. 2 hours later I was still only 1cm but still having the contractions. According to the monitor they aren't always 5 mins apart but some are closer and some are a little further apart. I got sent home and I've been having some VERY painful contractions occasionally followed by milder ones. The painful ones make me lose my breath and I'm absolutely positive they are the real deal. Some of them even woke me out of my sleep. I'm miserable because I am having these contractions but can't go back in to L&D until they are exactly 5 or so mins apart and all "very painful". Anyone else going through this? 😣