I need advice about my brother

*disclaimer * this post has nothing to do with glow or ttc. This is a very controversial topic so preferably real and honest answers.

My baby brother is 15 y/o and i am almost 27 (married and ttc#2). I am the oldest of 6 and he is the baby. Several weeks ago he reached out me saying he needed to ask a serious question, i was thinking maybe a sex question or maybe tell me he is gay. Much to my suprise he said he felt like he was always meant to be a girl. This completely caught ne off guard. Throughtout the 1st conversation i reassured him i would not pass judgement and if he wanted to experiment with girls clothes he could come to my house. I was trying to be supportive seeing how he said our parents didnt know he had these thoughts and thinking this is just a weird teenage experimental stage in his life he is going through. During the same conversation he started to make advances towards me. As in: "will you teach me how you like it?" "Can i just take a peak?" "No one will know" "ive never really thought of you as my sister" etc, etc. Obviously i immediately turned him down and backed out of letting him have some of my extra clothes, for me it just got too creepy. He also kept saying he wanted to be a *slut* so he can get laid. I explained several times the majority of women dont get laid because they dress like a slut or whore. He wants to wear womens lingerie because its cute. I literally had to explaon the concept of "lady in the streets and freak in the sheets".

The 2nd conversation he told me he has already experimented with anal sex with 2 of his male friends and next they were planning on oral. He kept asking for tips on how *i* give it to my husband and what penis size women prefer because he was thinking about experimenting sex with a female friend of his. He even dared to ask he he could *practice* on me "so the second time with his friend is better." (Yes my jaw dropped too) i couldnt believe the brass stones he has on him.

After declining his advances a 2nd time and him still heavily pushing the topic i did what i said i wouldnt do, called my mom. Apparently she already knew he wanted to be a girl and knew he was talking in a similar fashion to both his male and female friends (she has been going through his phone) and apparently this isnt new. Hes been talking like this for almost a year.

Through both the 1st and 2nd conversations with my brother it became very clear to me (in details i didnt state here) that not only is his perception of women completely wrong, but also he is very uneducated about basic sex education. He enjoys anal sex with men but thinks he needs to be a girl for that to be ok despite me telling him differently. He thinks the only way he will get laid is if he dresses like a *slut* or a *prostitute* on a daily basis despite me telling him lingerie exists for the bedroom only. He thinks no one will accept him if he becomes a woman. He thinks women act differently when around other women vs when around men (i tried explaining this is not the case with ALL women, just some). he wants to be treated like a girl at all times.

Personally, i dont treat people differently based on their gender. I dont pass judgement based on my own personal opinions. I do tell the truth to the best of my ability based on my knowledge of the facts. Some people say im heartless because i dont like to sugar coat the truth and i can sometimes be too blunt. This weekend we are going on a 5k run together #thecolorvibe!!! And is asking me to treat him like a girl. I explained this is a fun run and its not about gender, its just for fun and i dont know how to treat him like a girl while running. And he says "just like when we are in the car and stuff. Treat me how girls treat other girls and how men treat girls" idk how else to get through to him.

BTW--- my mom says she is working on finding a councillor to get him professional help with all of this. They dont have medical insurance of any kind so finding one that will take him has been difficult. Nonetheless, she said that a month ago and he still hasnt been seen or have an appointment scheduled. Even still he has been going through this for almost a year with no professional help.

If anyone has any advise how to go about helping him in the mean time i would very much appreciate it. I know he needs help and i know he is obviously uneducated on all of these topics. I want to help but i also am trying to maintain a boundary. I dont want anyone to take the conversations out of context and think im a perve or pedophile. hes my brother and i would very much like to help him through this. My parents are very judgemental and would rather ignore the issue for as long as they can.