My husband cheated..

I woke up in a good mood today, which hasn't happened since right before I got pregnant. But this morning I was genuinely in a good mood for no reason, odd right? I made us a nice big breakfast, pancakes eggs bacon the works. Husband ate in silence. I didn't think anything of it until I realized that he kept staring at me.. so of course I ask if everything is okay, was the food not good, did he need something else... Nada. I get our daughter all cleaned up, she goes on her merely way to play in her room. So I ask again, what's his deal. "I just want you to know that I love you & I will never do anything to intentionally hurt you" My instant response was of course "what did you do?!" "Before I tell you, let me explain. I really don't know who she is, this only happened once...." I didn't let him finish. I just walked away. Are you kidding me?? I'm 28w pregnant with our baby boy, this isn't something I wanna hear right now. Is this why I woke up in a good mood?! 😩 He walks over to me & explains.... "babe, I had this dream last night, it felt so damn real. Apparently you caught me cheating! I told myself it was just a dream, I woke up then fell right back asleep. Only to go back to the same dream. I'm sorry babe! I love you so much, I didn't mean to cheat. I couldn't even see the chicks face. No idea who she was only that you two were talking & she told you I was cheating. You wouldn't forgive me, it was a nightmare. Will you forgive me now? Please don't leave me" Dude......... are you kidding me right now 😒 He didn't cheat in real life, just in a dream.. & he's freaking out over it. What will I do with this man?! Ruined my good mood for no good reason! 😩😂
For those of you commenting saying he really did cheat this was just his way of seeing what reaction he'd get.... FYI he already knows the deal & how I feel about cheating. Cheating is a voluntary choice, I don't believe in second chances. Not all men are shitty. This was meant to be a funny post, either laugh at it or move on 🙄 sheesh..