Today is my ex's birthday


I had forgotten it was his birthday. I am long over him at this point. I had actually remembered because today is also steak and a blowjob day.

For those of you who don't know, steak and a blowjob day is exactly a month after valentines day. Valentine's for the girls, steak and blowjobs a month later for the men XD

Shortly after my ex left me, a guy I was close friends with began consoling me and helping me. And about a month after my ex left me, this guy and I started dating. My ex seemed bitter about it. But, fuck him, right?

That was over two years ago. The man I started dating, I am still with. He's the love of my life and we've been together for two and a half years now.

So tonight, I'm going to put on sime cute lingerie

I can't make him steak, but I am gonna buy him soup he likes

I'm gonna surprise him after school with a nummie dinner

And suck his fucking dick off

And I'm gonna think back to when that other asshole who emotionally abused me lied and told me he loved me. And I believed him.

So today, on his birthday

I'm going to give the best goddamn blowjob to a man who really does love me