How are you feeling at this point in your cycle?

So I was wondering how many of you ladies are symptom spotting. How does everyone feel around 6dpo of their cycle? Did you get AF or a BFP!? Would love feedback 😃
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I'm about 10dpo and like soon after I ovulated I started having cramps that were low and different than af cramps. I'm still cramping on and off. I took a cheapie strip test this morning and thought I maybe saw something so I'm waiting till Thursday to test again which I went out and got a clear blue test and a dollar store test bc Idk if I should trust the cheapie. Thursday I'll take all 3 and see what happens. I'm feeling pretty tired tonight but I had a busy day also I've had headaches which I think are weather related bc it's too early if I'm pregnant to really have any symptoms. My boobs aren't sore like normal either. Idk maybe it's just a weird cycle this 🤔


Amanda 💋 • Mar 16, 2017
thanks. I don't think my Internet cheapies are accurate bc they still are showing negative but I have a dollar store test I want to test with maybe tmrw and now I'm 11dpo and 12dpo tmrw


Nicole • Mar 16, 2017
sounds promising to me! update me when you retest. 😃


Posted at
I'm actually about 6 dpo and have been having weird cramping and very sore breasts. I feel like I'm almost making myself think this..... even though I know I'm feeling it. I'm def waiting until a missed period to test. I don't want to jinx myself by testing too early. I can't test until atleast the 23rd!


Nicole • Mar 16, 2017
lol same for me.