Faint lines/Late Positives

Iam going crazzy here girls. 
So two weeks ago I took a pregnancy test, within few minutes it look like it wanted to show a T line, but it look more like a neg to me, I never had a test show like I threw it away next morning for some reason it when I flipped the trash bin I saw the pregnancy test, well as usual I usually go back to the test next morning hoping to see a secound line but this time I didn't want to cause they're always neg but this time it actually had the secound line. So I tested 2 days later same thing happen just that the line showed within hours. I went the following week to get a hcg blood the nurse performed a urine first showed neg, so she decided to use my whole blood for a hcg test the secound lime showed right away. My hcg lab came back with a 2. 
The purple test are hpt
White test is clinic test with my whole blood, nurse said Im too early. 
I dont know what to think. Has anyone had similar experiences?