Fucking livid.

My boyfriend's grandmother is a fucking bitch. She starts trouble and makes things up for no other reason than to cause problems for people. Well, I'm 18 weeks pregnant. She is telling people "That baby better not be born with red hair." When they ask her why, she's telling them because my male friend has red hair. She has always tried to convince my boyfriend that I was sleeping with him 🙄 this man and I have grown up together, if we wanted to be together we have had years to do so - luckily my boyfriend knows this. But it has pissed me the fuck off that she's saying this shit. I have auburn hair. My hair is literally brown/red. My brother has a red beard. My papaw had red hair. Four of my cousins have crazy red hair. She's met all of these people (except for my papaw who passed away when I was younger.) Yet she is telling people if my baby has red hair that she doesn't belong to the man I have been with for six years. So, I told my boyfriend to let her know that since she doesn't believe the baby is his anyway, she has no reason to be in my baby girl's life 👐🏻
Fucking bitch. I had to vent somewhere.