Midwife repeatedly told me I'm overweight...


Listen, I'm aware I could stand to lose some weight. I am by no means saying that I do not acknowledge the fact that being over weight has repercussions, or that it has its own problems with pregnancy. I get that okay.

I'm 5'9 and 260 pounds

But my midwife really upset me today, so much I'm considering taking my prenatal care elsewhere. I had an appointment today and we had a scare recently, I woke up covered in blood so we have gone to several doctors appointments in the last few days, every time they found baby's heart beat with a Doppler, then did an ultrasound because it wasn't steady enough to get a read on beats per minute. All three of the doctors we saw told me my baby is very active and that's why it was so hard to get the heartbeat. My midwife couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler so she told me "you're overweight so there's more tissue to work around, it makes it difficult to hear the baby." And I said okay, she said "no, but really it could be a bigger issue later on, we need to be able to get a regular read on the baby. Since you're overweight we will have a harder time with that." And so again I told her okay, I understand. Later she said "we're ordering such and such a test, because you're overweight." I just felt like she was obsessed with telling me how fat I am. Like she wouldn't let it go, everything that came up she mentioned my weight with it. I have struggled with eating disorders in the past, I used to go a day or two without eating just so I could binge and not feel bad. I have always struggled with my weight and self image that comes with that. So I guess I'm taking it extra hard. I just feel like she should be able to tell me once and move on.

Any advice?