do you think I could be pregnant?

Hey everyone, 
So before I get into this, my entire life I've had irregular periods. Sometimes I wouldn't get a period for 5 months. When I started eating better it seemed like my cycle settled down and I was having periods every month. My cat recently died (had him for 14 years) and I started eating bad. Not sure if it's connected but I missed my period this month. I'm late 3 days. 
Normally I wouldn't be too worried however, I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend (stupid. I know) he didn't cum in me but we all know that pregnancy from precum, although rare, is possible. 
So I currently am experiencing no symptoms of pregnancy or pms. No cramps. No tender breasts. No aversions to food or unusual cravings. Nothing. 
What do you guys think? 
Help please?