What a week its been. I'm pregnant!


What a crazy week it has been! We signed for a house, picked a puppy and we found out we were pregnant 😆 We are absolutely over the moon.

I had been stressing about whether I could get pregnant as I had been on the pill for 14years and had never had a break. My periods were irregular when I was a teenager so decided to start the pill so I didn't have the worry of when I was going to come on, at least I knew the day now. When I came off the pill (early Nov16) I had my first bleed a few days later which I was used to, I then didn't have one for 36 days and my next was 45 days. Every month checking for pregnancy signs and doing test and no joy. I then started reading up about irregular periods and found it could be a sign of PCOS. I thought before I go the doctors and question this I want to make sure so I ordered a pack of 40 ovulation tests online. Two weeks after my period I started doing one a day. I know the instructions say do the test midday but with my job this didn't work (you have to let your sample go to room temperature before testing) so I made sure I did it every night before bed and charted it on my apps. Everyday I was getting negative results but on CD32 I was in work and I felt a sharp stabbing pain on my left side as if it was the start of period pains. I constantly was running the toilet expecting mother nature to have turned up but after a few hours I realised it was only my left side and it turned into a dull ache. When I got home I did the ovulation test straight away and I was amazed to see two bright red lines. That night we did the deed. I was so glad I had done the test though because the pain was so uncomfortable I felt like just going to sleep but the test soon woke me up :)

This was two weeks ago and we are now pregnant!!!

I felt I had to share our story as I have read so many people's since we started TTC and they gave me ideas and hope that this day would come and we can start our little family 😊 sending baby dust to you all xx