Spontanius 😭😭😭😭😭

I was pregnant 16.5 weeks. 
Pregnancy was normal without any problems.
Last night I came home, made dinner, took a shower and to bed. At 5:00 in the morning woke me amniotic fluid leakage and bleeding. I immediately rushed to the emergency clinic. Where he started a spontaneous abortion. They put me on a chair and I saw my litlle baby boy come out of me. My heart wanted too stop. He had beautiful feet of his father. They did tests on me that showed everything is ok with me. They said most likely the child has a disorder of chromosomes but i need too wait 3 weeks too confirm it. 
I wanted too see him for last time but they didnt wanted too show me 😭😭😭
I cannot write you this pain that my boyfriend and me are feeling. 
Child was a true bleesing too us. 
I know that we will have babies in the future but this baby was a world too us, dont know how go true that pain. 
So I want too tell you nothing is more important in life then this baby made from love. 
Nothing can make u fell better, need too learn live with that pain. Babies will come but every is true speacial and unique. 😭