I want to have another child 😢 UPDATE

So New Year's <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> I told my husband how much I wanted a child. He said that he was fine with that, but he doesn't try to assist with making one. 😢 Every time we are intimate when he is about to cum he tells me to get up if I'm on top, or he will pull out. We already have a blended family of 5 including the two of us. He has two daughters from a previous relationship that are 19 & 18. I have a 7 year old from a previous relationship. I don't know what to do. I'm almost 30. In my family it is almost impossible to have children due a medical condition. I am crying so much on the inside because I want a child with him.  Last year I was diagnosed with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. I've had surgery to help make me better and because of this I have been out of work for over 6 months. I don't know if this is why he hasn't tried to get me pregnant. Our funds are limited due to the fact that I'm not working and the girls are starting college. What should I do? Please be nice.                  **UPDATE** Good morning ladies so three nights ago while my husband and I were about to be intimate, I told him that I wanted to have his baby. At first he didn't say anything, then just as he was about to cum he tells me to get up off of him. Twenty minutes after we are finished then he tells me that we should wait and see how our summer goes. I was honestly pissed off and confused about what he said to me. The following morning he then says to me that I shouldn't have told him at that moment because it wasn't fair to him because he was already arosed. That I was trying to get him when he was weak. Honestly that is kinda true but at that time I was the least nervous, worried or upset to talk about my desires. I'm always trying to make sure that my family is happy before I worry or talk about my feelings. Although that day I couldn't hold back anymore. I have been secretly only having sex with my husband when I am about to ovulate or when I have a surge in LH. The last two nights have been a little bit weird for me though, I kinda lost my desire to want to make love to my husband but he has been wanting me. He keeps trying to get me to touch or run on him before we go to bed but it just feels weird to me. I don't know what to do but I kinda feel like I'm going through menopause already and I hate it.